MLS Service Writer Core Package
The core package includes Client and Job tracking, full workorder development ( parts, labor, rec0mmendations, sublet services, estimatating / invoicing, revisions, profitability ), full service histories, inventory control, labor glossary system, and comprehensive reporting.
All workorder accounting ( invoice totals, client information, and receivables ) can automatically post to Quick Books in real time ( not an export/import process ).
Productivity Power Package
This package extends your MLS Service Writer by adding a purchase order and stock input system, parts pick lists and true kits, a preventative meainenance scheduler, customer follow up system, an appointment scheduler with a quick quoting system, a system wide notebook, a system wide address book, a versatile photo linking system, the shop wide messaging system, and a powerful editor to edit the raw data files and perform global changes.
MLS Integrated Accounting
MasterLink Software provides a complete, truly, integrated accounting system. All information from your transactions, inventory control, and employee activity is automatically posted to the appropriate areas. The package includes handling of Receivables, Payables, a General Ledger, Bank Accounts, comprehensive Payroll, and Merchant Credit Card processing.
True Client / Server Multi-user
This upgrade includes activation of your system to operate across multiple computers within your shop envicronment. It also includes a 5 user license to the Advantage Data Base server which provides true client/server services. Additional licenses are available in 5 user increments.
Installation and Oreientation
Our experts will provide you with complete installation of the software on your computer(s) via an Internet remote control connections. Also included is consultation with your hardware specialists as needed. We’ll give you an overview of the system and then provide additional training as you learn how to operate MLS Service Writer