Labor Entry

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Labor descriptions are a critical element of any workorder/invoice because it is your opportunity to convey to the customer a clear description of the actual services rendered.  This will enhance your client's view of your professionalism as a service center, and will eliminate any confusion or questions in the future.  Labor entries are input on the screen below.




Here are some specific guidelines for getting started.


Adding a labor item


hradd  To enter a new labor item you must first press the  button.  If you do not, then you are not actually writing your data to a record, but rather to memory space that will be erased once you move to another record.


Labor descriptions are tied, in a "glossary" system, to a specific code.  Please read the Glossary Concepts to understand how this is designed.  If you know the code, you may type it in directly.  Otherwise, click on the smfind icon to begin a search.  If you want to type in text that is not saved in the system, use the code B for blank lines. When you complete the entry, you will be asked if you want to save this new entry to the glossary.  Enter No.  If you fail to make this choice, a B code will always bring up the same text !


HRSAVE  When you have completed an entry, please remember to press the button or your data cannot be retained.




There are two fields for time, Actual and Units.  The first refers to clock hours, and must be used if you have set the technician for calculating Job Costing based on actual time.  Units refers to flat rate, or book time.  Glossary codes often have the flat rates included, and a value would be transferred to this field once the code is entered.  The smfind next to the field will activate a labor time lookup capability.  Several vendors provide labor time guides that interface to ASW 8.  You can select the guide you wish to use ( if it is installed ), or you can select the option to obtain times from the Charts  maintained by the ASW 8 system.  When using a lookup system, the selected values are automatically returned to this field.


Price Level


hrcalcClients are charged for services based on their price level.  Some companies only have one, retail, for everything they do.  The ASW 8 system allows five levels, Retail, and levels 1 to 4 for wholesale/discount.  You can change the price level for a single entry, or for the entire workorder, with the button.  Once you set a level, it will remain there until you reset it to a different level.


Rates / Totals / Cost


Your system will verify the rate you enter against the list you created in Validation Lists.  .   You may use thesmfind  button to look at the list and select one to apply.  They system will automatically multiply the Units by the Rate to create a Total.  If you want to use actual time for the total, enter it in the Unit field.  The cost will be based on the criterion established for the selected technician in Setup - Costing.


The Labor Descriptions


The Auto Shop Writer 2004 has a pre-built set of labor descriptions ( Glossary ).  You may eliminate, modify, or add to them according to your own needs.  These descriptions have been written with your client in mind.  It is critical to provide clear, complete, descriptions of the work you perform.  This signals your customers that you are a truly professional operation, and it provides a clear understanding of exactly what services you have performed. Brief descriptions, ie. "R&R Radiator", are ambiguous and often lead to conflict.  Abbreviations are trouble waiting to happen !


Building Kits


INVENTAlthough you can build kits manually within the glossary system, the button activates an automatic kitbuilder.  The process works with the highlighted labor item which it puts into a kit ( you specify the code ), and then you are shown the parts on the workorder, and you will check off those that should be in the kit.  The resulting code will then be available to use on future services.


Labor Entries


Your customers should know exactly what services you have performed  on their vehicle.  You communicate this with the labor entries.


Using the glossary codes will greatly speed your entry of data, and  provide for uniformity in your work.  You may enter an existing Glossary Code, have blank lines to write  a unique description, or even write a new glossary for this  workorder, and save it to your main glossary file.


Glossary code entries

To use a Glossary entry, type in the appropriate code.  This is a  lookup field.  Consequently, if you do not know the code, right click the mouse when pointing at the code field.  The computer will then display a list of service "systems" (See Glossary instructions for more detail ).   Move the highlight bar to the desired system, and press Enter, or point at it and double click the left mouse button.  The  computer will then display service "groups".    After highlighting, and selecting,  the desired group, the  computer will display the services available for the group.  Select  the desired listing from the list, and the actual glossary entry will be read into the current workorder.


The logic of this structure is very consistent, and the codes will be  quickly memorized.  If an incorrect code is entered, the system will  display a scrollable list of all entries.  Therefore, memorizing the  codes will be safe.


Non-glossary entries

If you wish to enter a description which is not in the glossary, enter a letter that is not in the file, ie. B (for blank lines).  The computer will ask if the operator wishes to use blank lines.  If  you wish to type in new information, select YES.  The computer will then open all fields in  edit mode, and you may complete the data entry with the following information.


The Labor Chart Display

A charting system has been developed which automatically tracks  totals for all glossary service codes specific to year, make,

and  model of the serviced unit.  The system is fully automatic.  When you enter a  service code on a workorder, if there is a match, the system will  display the high, low, and average units, and charges, for that work.  It is specific to the unit type for which you are preparing the workorder.


The chart is generated in the Client section, and updated  as workorders are closed.



Enter the name, or code,  of the technician who performed this service.  This  will be printed on the final invoice, and will be retained in the  service history for future reference.  If you do not remember the  Technician's name, right click the mouse for the lookup list.  If an incorrect  technician is entered, the system will also trigger the lookup list  so that the correct individual may be highlighted, and entered.


While some shops like to use codes for their Technicians, it will be  faster when doing a service follow up to use the persons name.  If  you look at a history, and see the service was performed by  Technician 007, you will have to know which person had that code  when the work was performed.  This is a lot harder than recognizing the name James B. on the display.


** SPECIAL NOTE **  If you leave the technician box empty, when  entering a glossary item, and press the Enter key, the whole box  will be opened for editing of data.



Use the appropriate code assigned to the vendor who may have performed this work, if it was not done in the shop, from the Disbursements accounts.  You may right click the mouse button to obtain a lookup list of vendors.



If the work is assigned to a department, enter the code here.  You may right click the mouse button to obtain a lookup list of departments.



The status flag will tell you if the labor item is currently an Estimate, or Invoice.  Items flagged as Estimates will not display on the final invoice.  Labor does not appear on a counter sale.



The system must know if this is a taxable labor.  The Glossary entries will provide a default for this field.  If the service is to be taxed, be sure a check mark appears in this box.



Some services are handled by sub-contractors.  These are known as  sublets, and most states require that they be identified

separately.  The default is Empty for this field because most of your work is not  sublet.  However, you may check this box when appropriate.


Most people will enter the sublet service, and include the total for  parts and labor as one entry.  This is perfectly acceptable.  However, you may itemize parts separately if you wish.


Viewing The Description

The system will first display the description, in a scrollable box,  on the screen.  Review the information for appropriateness.  You may make changes to the description which will remain specific to this workorder, even if the original description is drawn from a Glossary entry.



The Actual field tracks the actual amount of time which was devoted to this service item.  It is compared to the flat rate time ( units ) for efficiency reporting, and may also be used in Job Costing ( see the Technician section under Setup ).



The units represent the normal number of hours used to complete a  service.  This is in decimal form to handle fractional amounts.  Remember, every 6 minutes is .1 hours.  You may wish to refer to one of your shop service guides (flat rate  books) for the standard times associated with a particular service.  You have probably purchased one or more of these for this purpose.  You may also wish to enter some of these services into your glossary  for later access.



The system will provide the default hourly service rate your shop  charges in this field.  This was entered using the SETUP utility  when you first installed your system, or may have been modified  since that time.  To obtain a different rate, enter the amount, or  right click the mouse  for a list of valid rates and applications.


The rate does not print on the workorder.  It will be used to  calculate the charge if no value is specified.  If you wish to omit  a charge, enter a $ 0.00 in this field.  The system will then have  a charge of $ 0.00 while retaining the time value for reporting.



The charge is the total amount the client will pay for the labor  performed.  The computer will multiply the units by the rate for an initial total.  You may overide the calculated amount by entering a value, as a fixed rate, and the computer  will accept the amount.



The cost field will be automatically calculated based on the rate of pay for technician, and the amount of time ( actual or units ) involved in this service.  You could overide the cost field if you are paying a flat fee for the service.  This is also the field to enter the amount paid to a vendor if the service was sublet to another company.


Down Time

When a vehicle ties up an area of service ( ie. a lift ), this time is costly.  The third time clock on the main button bar will track the amount of "down time" a service accumulates.


Item Estimate

If drawn from the glossary system, this will be the amount estimated for this charge


Total Charges

This is the sum of the total charges to this workorder.


Total Units

This is the sum of the flat rate times assigned to this workorder currently.


Editing the description

Please review the chapter on Glossary writing for examples on  writing descriptions.  The most important issue here is The Executive  Management System invoices should never contain abbreviations.  Clear,  Concise, Complete Communications with your Client are the 5 Vitamin  C's in profit.  Don't ever let them be hidden.


Review the  section in Coverin the Basics in this manual about using  the text editor.  This will explain procedures for moving, cutting,  editing, and adding text.


The description is your most important communication with your  client.  It should be complete, and never abbreviated.  Well written descriptions can be the difference between customer trust and fear.


Edit a service

To edit a service, move the highlight bar to the desired entry, and  the details will appear in the data box at  the top of the screen, and be ready for complete editing.  When you  are finished making changes, select the OK button.


Saving A New Entry To The Glossary

When you have used the blank line function, and realize that you  have written a "classic", it can be saved directly to the Glossary.  You will be prompted, in such a case, by the system, and need only  answer Yes to have the item transferred.  The system does not

transfer pricing information.


You will also be asked for a code.  Be sure to assign one that meets the standards assigned to your Glossary Setup.