Job Costing

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The technician list provides the name, and cost factor, for each individual who provides services on workorders.  This cost factor should be calculated by looking at the total costs for the technician, not just wages.  It is used when the system assigns costs to labor performed, but does not affect payroll.




To add a technician, assign a code, and then their full name.   The code should be one which can be easily remembered in the future, especially when reviewing a workorder of a job returned because of client concerns.


The amount to be entered is either a fixed rate per service unit, or a percentage of the gross charge.  Remember, the rate should include the actual cost factor for the technician, which is often 30% to 40% higher than the actual wages when considering taxes and benefits.


An additional field provides for the basis of calculating labor costs for technicians.  In this screen, you now instruct the system to calculate the cost based on Units, or Actual time.


Add all of your service technicians to the list, with their individual rates.  Remember to assign only those people who perform services listed on workorders.