Actual Time Timer

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It is often helpful to keep track of the actual time spent on an individual labor task.  On the Labor entry screen you will see an Actual field for entering this information which is then used in a technician report to compare the real time with the flat rate entry.


Begin Timing a Labor Entry

This process can be simplified using the Timer icon on the button bar.  Clicking on this icon will display the question:


Are you starting the timer for a new labor task ?


This actually means, do you wish to start a new timer.  If you answer Yes, then the system will show you a screen with three selections.  First, in the top field, select the technician name.  In the middle box, select the active workorder to which the labor has been assigned.  Finally, in the lower box, select the labor item which is to be timed.


Finally, press the Start button in the upper right corner of the screen.  The time is now active.


Finish Timing a Labor Entry


Selct the timer icon again, and when prompted about starting a new task, answer No.  You will see a list of currently active timers.  Select the timer you wish to end by pointing at it and clicking the mouse.  Then click on the Stop button in the upper right corner.  At this point the programmer will add the time calculated to any time already accrued in the Actual field.