Service Vehicle / Client Data

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Overview - Entering vehicle and client Information


Often people will omit some vehicle information, including the VIN.  It is important to obtain all of this data on the first visit.  Thereafter, you will only need to obtain the license.  If the client does not have a vehicle, ie. counter sale, You will only need to select client information.


On the General tab of the workorder development window you will see the following section:




If you do not already have a vehicle and/or client selected, use the appropriate Edit Vehicle or Edit Client button.  From there you will see the screens discussed below.  When you press the Exit button from the Vehicle Edit screen your client and vehicle information will automatically be added to the workorder.  If it is only a client for whom you are creating an invoice, use the Edit Client button and when you exit the screen, the data will be saved to the workorder.


REMEMBER - Client and vehicle data are entered on the screen displayed with the tab marked General.    The information provided on the screen is a summary of what is entered.  When starting a new workorder, if the client and service vehicle have been in before, select Edit Vehicle, and find the correct vehicle.  Select it ( Left mouse button click ) and then close the window using the Exit button..  The vehicle and client data should then be attached to the workorder.  For new vehicles, follow the same process, but select Add from the Vehicle screen and type in all of the information.  Save and close the screen.





UNITS  This button will open the Vehicle Edit dialog and allow you to add a new vehicle, or to select a current one.  Highlight the desired vehicle and select the Exit button.  You will be asked if you want to use that vehicle.  If you answer Yes, then both the vehicle and client data will be attached to the workorder.  If you wish to change the vehicle on a workorder, select this button, then locate the desired vehicle, and Exit.  The new information will overwrite the existing entry on the workorder. Click this link for full Vehicle Data information.


INFO Click this button to view the vehicle information in non-edit mode.


hrphoto Click this button to view pictures associated with the vehicle.




CLIENT  This button opens the Client editor.  When you assign a vehicle, the client information will also be assigned, so you do not need to open this link.  However, if this is a bill not affiliated with a vehicle, you can use this button to find, and attach, a client record.  You can also use it to open up the client record for editing ( ie. changing a phone number or address, adding a spouse name, etc. ).  Click this link for full Client Data information.


INFO  This button will popup Client information in non-edit mode.


HRPHONE  Use this to activate the phone dialer to call the client


HRMAP  This button will open a Google map to your client's address


HRMAIL  Create and send an email to this client


hrphoto  Display photos assigned to this client.




The Cash Sale

If no vehicle or client information is specified, the system will assume the workorder is a Cash Sale.  In this case, it is not  necessary to even enter the vehicle/Client option of the menu.  CASH  SALE will be printed on the invoice, and handled appropriately in  accounting.