Workorder Header Information

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The information necessary to track this specific service is included in the Header section. The workorder header information includes the service mileage,  dates, service advisor, hat, and miscellaneous notes.  These pieces  of information are all entered using the Status option of the development menu.




Edit Vehicle

Use this button to directly access the vehicle record.  You can edit the data and save it, or select a different vehicle for this workorder, or select one originally if none has been provided.  The vehicle button automatically links in the proper client record.  The View Data button will display the current record for the assigned vehicle in a popup window.


Edit Client

Use this button to edit, or assign, client information to this workorder.  Use the Numbers button for a quick popup of the client's phone numbers.


Date of Service

The Auto Shop Writer inserts the date of service when the workorder is begun,  and will ultimately  substitute the new date when the workorder is completed.  This is most appropriate for services which last a long period of time, such as  vehicle renovations.



The operator should enter a current odometer  reading because most states require this information on the final  invoice, and because the information is used for projecting needed  services.   On many serviced vehicles, this might be known as a clock, or meter.


Vehicle Tag

The vehicle tag is an ID number assigned by the service center, and may be on a cardboard tag, or a "bonnet" placed on the vehicle when it is acquired for service.



If you wish to bill this to an alternate individual/company who is already listed in your Accounts Receivable, press the button and select the appropriate person.  The account number will be stored here, and upon closing, the charge will be applied to that account instead of the named owner.  This is especially helpful for warranty claims billed to a 3rd party, or multiple locations of a company ( listed as separate clients ) all billed to one central processing office.


Delivery Date/Time

If the date and time of expected delivery are entered, the system  will also be able to monitor this in relation to the current date  and time, and flag workorders nearing their expected

delivery time.


Service Advisor

The name of the person acting as the service advisor, or the individual who accepted the vehicle for service, should be entered in this space.


PO Number

Often work is submitted with a Purchase Order.  Enter the number in the field provided.



The rating or source code is derived from the client.  However, you may wish to provide a one time change for this workorder.  You may select the code from the lookup list if that is appropriate.


Return parts

If used parts are to be returned to the client, the notation should be made in the  proper field.  It is generally a good idea to hold all parts until  after the vehicle has been claimed, unless the owner specifically  states they are not wanted.  This alleviates any potential for  conflict later.  Some clients may need the parts for insurance claims.



By default the Tax ? box will be checked if you charge tax for your service and the client pays tax.  If this invoice is to be exempted, you can uncheck the box.  Remember to select the Save button


Carfax ?

If you use the Carfax VIN Decoder database, then this will be normally checked.  If you have a reason to not send this workorder information to Carfax, you may uncheck the box.



The status field is used to change from an Estimate to an Invoice.  If the system was set for the workorder to be an Estimate, and it is  time to transfer the data entered to the final invoice, simply change the  status fiedl from E to I.  The system will then display all of the  parts to be marked off, and then the labor.



You may point to the items to be transfered, and double click the left mouse button.  The system will then move them to the invoice as desired.

You can transfer some parts at this time, and return at a later time to transfer more.  In that case, since the status already says I, enter a T in the status field to initiate an additional transfer.

The same procedure is used to convert labor items from an estimate to an invoice.  They will be displayed after the parts are shown.


The work is complete

This checkbox should be clicked by the technician when all work has been finished on the vehicle, even if the payment has not been posted.  This alerts anyone using the system that the vehicle is now ready for pickup.


Special Notes To The TechnicianWhen the client brings in the vehicle, there are often comments made  about concerns or special handling tips.  These should be entered  into the workorder notes.  These notes will then be printed on the technician's worksheet.  Included in this may be special alarm  codes, special service notes (wash car before delivery), or  performance notes.