Selling Your Services

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You may provide the greatest service in your community, but that is certainly not sufficient if no one knows about your business, or if your customers don't feel they are important.  The number one method for attracting, and retaining, clients is communication.


Specific details are found in five sections of this manual


Why Communicate?  - This is a good selection of ideas on why marketing helps.


Creating Text - For letters and post cards you need to create the text and format it efficiently.  This section details how that can be accomplished.


Selection of Records -  This is the meat of the chapter because it reviews all of the different selection methods.


Choosing a Format - This section allows you to select the most appropriate format for output, from letters, cards, labels for preprinted cards and flyers, email, or merging to another program.


Strategies - This section details ideas about how to make these tools more effective



Studying these areas and learning how to market your business can enable you to turn the corner and increase profits dramatically.


The basic principles are as follows:


Communicate with your clients on a regular basis - You should have something in their hands at least 4 times per year, even if they return on their own.


Alert them when services are due -  Track their normal service intervals and send them regular reminders


Thank them after they visit - Call a few days after they visit and ask if the vehicle is performing correctly.  End by thanking them for their continued patronage.


Offer them an incentive to return - It doesn't have to be much.  A clean waiting room with coffee and muffins works wonders.  Have a few copies of the daily paper available.  Offer a ride to work if its local, or to the mall.  Much of the "hand out" material vendors want you to buy for promotion is just junk.  Some things, though are useful.  Pens to carry in a purse or glove compartment are great.  In fact anything to write on in the glove compartment is great.  Around the house people do save refrigerator magnets, and also clips for chip bags, or grip pads to open jars.  Help them to remember you.


Study the sections mentioned above carefully, and then put your marketing plan in place.  Do it now !