Workorder Recommendations

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Your clients look for professional advice about the upkeep and  periodic service of their equipment.


As the technician services the  unit, checks should be made of routine wear, and parts prone to failure.  Notes should be made during this  inspection, and any areas of concern should be noted on the  workorder.  In addition, upcoming services, tips about vehicle  operation, and specific problem clues the operator may detect can all  be noted.


Relying on verbal communication is just not sufficient,  and does not enhance the probability of repeat business.


Recommendations are added to the workorder in a manner similar to labor.  They are entered on the following screen.




The Charge field should specify the anticpated total cost, including parts and labor, for this service.Remember to press the hradd button before entering a labor code, and the HRSAVE button when your work is complete.  You may use a B code to include work not found in the glossaries.


Recommendations are your first marketing tool.  They also keep your client informed about the status of their vehicle.  This is one area of the program which you never want to overlook !


Entering Recommendations

Recommendations use the labor glossary entries, and employ their full  lookup capability.  However, most shops will also have some entries  which are only for recommendation.

If no code exists that states  the appropriate message, the operator may enter a B for blank lines.


To Add a recommendation, simply select the Add button.  Then add a service code.  When a code is entered, or the lookup system is used, the service  description will be displayed on the screen.   Simply enter the anticipated total charge estimated for the service, and select the OK button to save the entry on the recommendation listing.


Editing A Description

If a change needs to be made to a recommendation, then the summary  line should be highlighted.  All fields will then be displayed in the upper portion of the screen, and can be edited as needed.


Please see the  discussion under Editing Labor Descriptions for detailed  instructions in this area.   Be sure to select the OK button to save your changes.


It is an excellent plan to personalize the recommendation.  Changes  made to the text on the workorder will not affect the master  glossary entry.  For this reason, a core entry can be created which  is then modified on each workorder.  Brake wear statements are an  excellent example of this procedure.


The following entry may be  quite easily modified for each individual workorder:


 BRAKE LINING: Your remaining brake lining is:

  ___ Left Front      ___Right Front          ___ Left Rear       ___ Right Rear

 Brakes should be checked again by: __/__/__

 Brakes are a key safety feature of your vehicle.    Failure to check them

 periodically is very dangerous.


The code RE-BR could be used to call up this glossary for every workorder.  The changes could be typed in quickly (replacing the _  with actual values), making each personalized, but eliminating any  great amount of typing.  When the changes are completed, press the F10 save key.  The system  will then open the Code and Price fields to be changed if necessary.


*** SPECIAL NOTE ***  If the glossary code field is changed, it will  react differently in reports.  Consequently, you may wish to only  modify the code in very special cases.




The price refers to the  approximate charge for the service labor, plus parts.