Parts Pick Lists

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Parts Pick Lists permit the entry, on a workorder, of up to 50 parts  by using a single code.  The principles described above may be effective in developing the picklist codes.




Once a code is entered, the system will display the information already entered regarding the existing listing.  If none is found,  the system will ask the user if a new code is to be added.  If the  code is not found, but it is in the system, use the right mouse button to activate the lookup function to locate it the desired list.  Highlighting the proper list, and pressing Enter will place it in the appropriate field.


Once the code is found, and displayed at the top of the screen, the  second line will display a description of the code's application,  ie. Tune up, 68-72 Ford Mustang, 289 cid V8.  If a new record is  being added, the field will be open to add the description.


The system will also display the quantity, partnumber, and  description of all parts already included on the glossary.  To edit  current parts, highlight the item on the list, and make your desired changes.  Be sure to select the OK button to save the change.  To add new  items, select the Add key, and blanks will be opened at the top  quarter of the screen for entering the quantity, partnumber, and  description.


    The quantity refers to the normal number of the parts to be used in  a single service.  A tune up on a six cylinder engine would require  1 set of points, 1 capacity, but 6 spark plugs.  Consequently, the  quantity would differ for each part.

When entering the partnumber, be sure to use the exact number that  is entered into inventory.  If the part needs to be special ordered,  it may still be entered in the glossary, and will be entered on the  workorder.

When a partnumber is entered, the system will include the description from inventory, if it exists, or prompt for the  description if it is a special order item.


Although you will enter the normal parts to be used, this list may  be edited in the parts entry mode of workorder development.  Therefore, it is acceptable to include the full complement of possible parts, and then edit the quantity when they are actually  being placed upon the workorder.