Workorder financial totals files |
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EDACSH Daily cash transactions
TRNDAT D 8 Transaction date ACPNUM C 6 Vendor account number TRNAMT N 8,2 Transaction amount TRNDES C 25 Transaction description GENDBT C 6 General ledger debit account GENCRD C 6 General ledger credit account COMPLE L 1 Completion flag Y/N GENPST L 1 Posted to the General Ledger ?
EFUTMP Temporary labor work file - follow ups
WRKORD C 6 Workorder number WRKDAT D 8 Work date LABCOD C 15 Labor code ACRNUM C 5 Account number VEHLIC C 12 Vehicle license
EHICSH Cash Paid Out History File
TRNDAT D 8 Transaction date ACPNUM C 5 Accounts payable number TRNAMT N 8,2 Tranwsaction amount TRNDES C 25 Transaction description GENDBT C 6 Debit G/L account GENCRD C 6 Credit G/L account COMPLE L 1 Completion flag Y/N GENPST L 1 General ledger transaction posted flag
ELACST Labor job costing
CSTMEC C 10 Technician's code CSTUNT N 8,2 Technician's cost per unit of work CSTPER N 8,4 Technician's percentage CSTNAM C 25 Technician's name CSTUOA C 1 Unit or Actual