Workorder data files |
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EPRDEP Workorder deposits
DEPDAT D 8 Deposit date DEPCSH N 10,2 Cash payment DEPCHK N 10,2 Check payment DEPCRD N 10,2 Credit card payment DEPREF C 30 Reference infomration DEPPST L 1 Deposit is posted WRKORD C 5 Workorder number
EPRLAB Workorder labor detail
WRKORD C 5 Workorder number WRKDAT D 8 Date labor is placed on the workorder LABMEC C 10 Technician code LABCOD C 15 Labor code LABDES C 60 Labor description summary FILNUM C 6 Labor description number LABTIM N 6,2 Time in units LABRAT N 8,2 Rate per unit LABTOT N 8,2 Labor total charge COMPLE L 1 Workorder is complete Y/N LABTXF L 1 Taxable ? SUBLET L 1 Sublet ? LABCST N 8,2 Labor cost LABVEN C 6 Vendor code for sublet LABEST N 8,2 Estimate total STATUS C 1 Status (Estimate, Invoice) DEPART C 1 Department SRVHRS N 6,2 Service Hours PSTPAY L 1 Payment posted to payroll WRKCOM L 1 Work completed Y/N LABTXT M 10 Labor description
EPRORD Workorder master control file
VEHLIC C 12 Vehicle license WRKDAT D 8 Work date WRKORD C 5 Workorder number SRVMIL C 6 Odometer mileage at service SRVEST N 9,2 Current Estimate total SRVTPA N 9,2 Taxable parts SRVNPA N 9,2 Non-taxable parts SRVTGO N 9,2 Taxable gas/oil SRVNGO N 9,2 Non-taxable gas/oil SRVTLA N 9,2 Taxable labor SRVNLA N 9,2 Non-taxable labor SRVTSU N 9,2 Taxable sublet SRVNSU N 9,2 Non-taxable sublet SRVMSS N 9,2 Miscellaneous shop supplies SRVHWD N 9,2 Hazardous waste disposal SRVTAX N 9,2 Tax SRVFET N 9,2 Federal excise tax SRVDEP N 9,2 Deposits SRVTOT N 9,2 Total PAYDAT D 8 Payment date PAYCSH N 9,2 Cash payment PAYCHK N 9,2 Check payment PAYCRD N 9,2 Credit card payment PAYBAL N 9,2 Balance due PAYARP L 1 Post to Accounts Receivable ? PAYIDD C 20 Payment ID information ACRNUM C 5 Account number SRVMGR C 25 Service manager SRVHAT C 4 Hat number DUEDAT D 8 Due date DUETIM C 5 Due time ORDCOM C 30 Company name of client ORDPHO C 30 Client's phone numbers ORDVEH C 30 Vehicle information ORDLIC C 12 Vehicle license ORDLEV C 1 Client's pricing level CSTPAR N 9,2 Cost of parts CSTLAB N 9,2 Cost of labor CSTSUB N 9,2 Cost of sublet RETPAR L 1 Return parts ? COMPLE L 1 Completion flag Y/N STATUS C 1 Work status WRKTIM N 6 Time allocated for this service WRKCMP N 6 Total time of completed work SRVHRS N 8,2 Actual service hours SRVDIS N 8,2 Discount ORGEST N 8,2 Original estimate TOTALS L 1 Totals have been completed REVEST L 1 Estimate is revised ALTBIL C 6 Alternate billing account (A/R) PURORD C 25 Purchase order number CLITAX L 1 Taxable client ? ORDNOT L 1 Order Note TAXRAT N 8,4 Tax rate CSTSPC N 9,2 Cost special category ORDTXT M 10 Workorder notes.
EPRPAR Workorder parts
WRKORD C 5 Workorder number WRKDAT D 8 Date part is placed on workorder PARNUM C 20 Partnumber PARDES C 30 Part description PARCOS N 8,2 Part cost PARCHG N 8,2 Part charge to client PARQUN N 8,2 Quantity sold PARTOT N 8,2 Total charge PARTAX L 1 Taxable ? PARPTF L 1 PARLBS N 8,2 Weight SUBLET L 1 Sublet ? DEPART C 1 Department PARINV L 1 Inventory item ? PARCOF L 1 Core ? PARCOC N 8,2 Core charge PARCOU N 8,2 Cores used PARCIN N 8,2 Cores returned at service PARCOM C 10 Commission paid to ... ? PARFET N 8,2 Federal excise tax PARHWD N 8,2 Hazardous waste disposal fee COMPLE L 1 Complete Y/N PARLOC C 5 Location PARVEN C 6 Vendor STATUS C 1 Status (E,I) PSTPAY L 1 Post payment of commission FILNUM N 12 Ordering system number
EPRPLM Parts and Labor workorder order tracking
WRKORD C 6 Workorder number LSTTYP C 1 Flag for Part or Labor item FILNUM N 12 Order counter number REFQUN N 8,2 Quantity REFDES C 51 Description REFTOT N 10,2 Total for this item RELPOS N 4 Relative position of this item on the workorder.
EPRREC Workorder Recommendations
WRKORD C 5 Workorder number WRKDAT D 8 Date of recommendation LABCOD C 15 Glossary code LABDES C 60 Recommendation description summary VEHLIC C 12 Service unit license LABTOT N 8,2 Recommended total charge COMPLE L 1 Completion flag Y/N RECTXT M 10 Recommendation text
EPRREV Workorder Revisions
WRKORD C 5 Workorder number REVDAT D 8 Date of revision contact REVTIM C 5 Time of revision contact REVAMT N 8,2 Revision amount REVCNT C 25 Person contacted REVREP C 25 Shop representative who placed the call FILNUM C 6 Revision detail notes COMPLE L 1 Completion flag Y/N REVSRC L 1 Revision Screen REVPHO C 12 Revision Phone REVOLD N 8,2 Old amount REVTXT M 10 Revision text