Supplemental Text Editor

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Whenever an estimate, invoice, counter sale, receivable statement or worksheet is printed, it is helpful to have text at the end of the document which details disclaimers, warranties, or other features. The text is printed using condensed type, or 130 characters per line.  This is very productive for placing critical information in a small amount of space.  The fact that the print is small actually calls the client's attention to the detail rather than disuading them from reading the text.  If you do not want to print one of these "footers" on a document, you can leave the information blank.  This is especially useful when use pre-printed forms. The following editors are included.






Your estimate should have a protection clause for the shop which does the following:


The client must grant written permission for proceeding with the services detailed on the estimate.

The shop must be granted permission to operate the unit during the time of service.

The responsibility of the shop should be detailed, and the limits of liability should be specified.

Procedures for handling disagreements should be stated.

The procedure, and method, for payment should be clearly stated.

A signature line should be provided showing acceptance of the terms and conditions of the agreement.



The text on the final invoice should clearly specify the terms and conditions of acceptance and warranty.  It should also include a specific place for the customer's signature, with a statement that indicates the repairs have been accepted as satisfactory. It is vitally important that the terms of warranty be set forth.  Ommission of this information may be considered critical in time of dispute.  If it is not in writing, it is debatable.        


Invoice Tag

You may provide an advertising tag statement on each invoice.  This may be to provide your hours of operation, coming specials, seasonal service needs, or anything to which you want to draw your client's attention.  This tag is usually modified on a regular basis.


Counter Sale

Counter sales deal with only inventory items.  The text should provide information relative to exchange policy, including refunds or credits, and the procedures for processing warranties on defective parts.          



Often shops will create checkoff forms at the bottom of the worksheet for technicians to evaluate each service unit.  A space is provided in front of the text, with perhaps  underlines to fill in the important information.  Visual inspections of the unit, with checkoff spaces on the form, are great for public relations with your client, and the checkoff actually verifies that you have done the advertised service.  In addition, wearable items should be noted, with the estimated life noted.  One important caution is appropriate for this area.  Be very conservative on your estimates. If brake pads look like they may have 3,000 miles left, under estimate the amount.  There is nothing worse than having a major repair result from a client waiting the recommended time, and finding that the delay caused severe damage.


A/R Tag

You may add tag lines, for advertising purposes, to your Accounts Receivable statements.  With this option they can be easily modified each month before you print your mailing.  These tag lines can provide information on specials,new hours, highlighting special service capabilities, or other information that helps your clients better understand the special ways in which your business may benefit theirs.