System Considerations

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Have you noticed that most windows programs take awhile to load screens and information.  Auto Shop Writer works very quickly, and loads generally faster then most programs.  However, sometimes people get impatient and start clicking buttons if the result isn't instantaneous.  You will find that the speed of performance after a screen loads is very fast, but to attain that result, a lot of information may have to transfer across the network from your server.  Each time you click a button, you give your computer ANOTHER command  !  You are not reinforcing the first click.  In fact, you are adding processes to the memory, and that will ultimately lead to difficulties. If you hold down a mouse button, or key, then you will "auto repeat" that command and really create chaos.  Let your computer work and you will appreciate the result !



Moving through The Auto Shop Writer is accomplished by  making selections on  menus.  When the first window opens, you will see the  primary menu.  The underlined character in each menu item is the accelerator key.    When using the main menu, if you press the ALT key plus that letter, you will open a sub menu, or go to that task.  In the sub menus, simply press the first accelerator key displayed, and the proper program window will open, and that operation will begin.  You may also point to an item with the mouse cursor ( arrow), and press the left button once.  You can then select the proper option in the sub menu in the same manner.



On all data screens, you will find Pushbuttons, with their task printed below , ie.  {ie. Save, }   Select the proper button with a mouse, to perform the desired action.  


Lookup Buttons:

There are two types of lookup buttons used within The Auto Shop Writer.  The first is located within an edit box ( field ), and is a downward arrow.  Selecting this arrow will display a list of items from which the desired value could be selected.  These lists are usually short, and can be scrolled rather quickly.  The information for these lists may be preprogrammed ( ie. states ), built using the List option in Setup, or built automatically by adding new information in the course of the user's daily work.


The second type of lookup is performed by selecting a magnifying glass  button 151 which is located inside the field, to the right.  This is a more powerful lookup capability that opens a window into a database, and may show multiple fields.  These windows usually include search capabilities to more quickly find the desired record.  Selecting the proper record, and pressing the OK  button returns the value to the field in which you are working.  Selecting the Close option returns no value.


Both of these lookups are powerful tools which you will find utilized throughout the program.


Browse screens:

Browse screens contain lists of data from which you may select a specific record for use, or editing.  The browse screens have a vertical bar on the right hand side.  You may move up and down in the browse window using the Page Up, Page Down, Up Arrow, or Down Arrow keys and the mouse wheel.  You may also press the left mouse key when pointing to the up, or down, arrows on the screen.  To move more quickly through the list, point the mouse arrow at the little gray rectangle in the scroll bar, and pressing the left mouse key, drag it up or down.  This will accelerate your movement through the database.


Search / Locate :

On many browse screens you will see a search key.  These usually provide a series of options for re-ordering the list by a specific column on the browse.  Once you select the type of browse, you can start typing the first few letters for the field you are using and the browse  repositions you to the proper location of your list.  You can either start editing the values in the boxes above the browse, or if you are using a lookup list, double click on the record you want to use and its value(s) will be returned to the field from which it was called. By default, the majority of browses are already in the most common order for which they would be used, so you may just start typing ( ie. inventory is partnumber, vehicle is license, client is company name ) and you only need to select the locate button if you change the search criterion.


Data Entry:

Computers can do wonderful organizational tasks with information  that you enter into their files.   This data entry is done on  special display screens called Dialogs.  You will notice the following conditions  in effect for all data entry screens:  Screens are written on a colored background.  Lines, titles, and field names are written in black.  Displayed data is written in a white box.    You may move around the fields using the tab key, or by pointing the mouse cursor to the field in which you want to work.  When you enter data in a field, and press TAB, you will automatically move to the next field.



When working with lists of data, or multiple screens ( folders ), you can save the information that is currently displayed using the Save button.  This button is provided when you will not want to exit the window immediately after saving the information.  For example, with a client list,  you will edit one account, Save the information, and then move to another item in the list.  When you complete the work in the window, you select the close button.



When you finish entering information onto a data screen, you must select ( point to, and click the left mouse button, or use the accelerator key ) the OK button to save the data, and close the window.  The OK button is a "processor" which will perform the tasks required in the window.   Failure to do this will result in loss of the information you entered.

It is very important that this point not be overlooked.  Unless the OK or Save button is selected, any data entered into the fields on the window will NOT be saved.



The Close button is used to exit a screen once you have completed your work.  The close button is present when the screen is available to edit or add to a list of items, ie. the edit screen for all clients.  The Close button exits the screen and does not save any data unless you have already used the Save button on an item.


Message Lines:            

On the bottom of every screen you will find a message bar.  Whenever the mouse cursor ( arrow ) is pointing at a field, a browse window, or a pusbutton, a message will appear on that bar.  The information should be sufficient to explain the purpose of the field, or control, at which you are pointing.  When in doubt about what to do, always look at the message bar.


Popup Windows:

Often the program will popup a window with a question, or statement, about the operation of the program.  Watch these windows carefully because they will prevent mistakes from occuring.


The Right Mouse Button:

In some operations of this system, you will be instructed to highlight an item in a list ( point at it and press the left mouse key once ), and then to press the right mouse button to perform an action.  You may also use the arrow, or page, keys to move the highlight bar to that item, and then press the right mouse button.  These actions will be performed more quickly in this manner than by adding more pushbuttons.


In most cases, the right mouse button is used to "cut and paste".  Once you highlight some text, you can cut ( remove the highlighted area and save it in the windows clipboard ), copy ( make a copy of the highlighted text to the clipboard ), or paste ( copy whatever is saved in the clipboard to the position of the cursor on the screen ).


hrspell - The Spell Checker

Your system includes a powerful spell checker for all your text fields.  Whenever you see the spell button, simply select it and your system will automatically check the text, showing you mispelled words and providing options for replacement.  You can also add in your own words and special codes.


HRMAIL  - Email

The Email button can be used to create and send an email to the person or business displayed on the screen at the current time.  For example, if you are looking at a client's record, and you have an email address in the proper field, then pressing this button will address an email to them, and display a screen for you to enter a subject and text.  When you then press OK ... it will be sent.