Posting transactions

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Although all normal activity is posted to the General Ledger automatically, there are times when an operator will wish to make additional entries for transactions in the business not normally associated with the functions of the management system.  These may be added using Transaction Posting, a menu option in the Ledger main menu.


This option is typical for entering adjustments to the Ledger, ie. depreciation figures.  In addition, it is very useful to transfer money from one account to another.


Before reviewing how to post transactions to the General Ledger, it  is crucial that you understand which activities need to be posted.  Because the systems which interface with the General Ledger are fully  integrated, it is not necessary to post any of the standard  activity.  Consequently, all Workorder, Bank Account, Receivable, Payable, and  Payroll activity is posted automatically.  


The only transactions which normally  are manually posted to  the General Ledger are those which are used for balancing accounts, transferring funds, or amounts derived by the accountant from other  processes, ie. depreciation and amortization.


Transactions window





To post activity on the ledger, you must first enter the transaction  date.  The system will then display a screen with an activity window  listing all transactions currently posted during that date.  Each  line shows the account number, the debit amount, credit amount, and user comment.  On automatic posting, the system has added  identification information to the comment field.  The window is fully scrollable, and can handle all of the items  posted for the day.


Adding entries

After reviewing the current data, it is possible to add new  transactions using the Add button.  The system will open fields at the  top of the screen for an account number, debit amount, credit amount, and comment.  Fill in the data as appropriate.


Once a debit, or credit, has been entered, it is necessary  to add another listing for the opposite side of the T.  The only  exception will be if the day was out of balance, and the entry has  balanced the system.


The system will keep a running total of debits and credits, and provide information at the bottom of the screen.  If in balance, a message will so indicated.  Otherwise, the system  will provide an action message, ie "To balance, add $4,000.00 to a  DEBIT account".


Deleting entries

You may highlight, and delete an entry, listed in the browse window.  However, a corresponding entry must also be deleted to assure that the Credits and Debits are in balance.


Saving Work

After each entry which is added, or edited, you must select the Save button to post the transaction.  When you have all of the entryies completed for the day, select to Process button to actually apply the changes to the G/L and save the work.  You will not be allowed to do so if the entries are out of balance.


If your work is in balance, the computer will write the adjustments to  the current records, and add any new transactions that have been  posted.