Job Costing Analysis

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The Auto Shop Writer enables the user to be sure there is good profitability for each workorder.


By selecting the Job Costing button on a workorder's development screen, the user can see the total charge, cost, dollar margin, and percentage of profit on that ticket.  If the profitability is not sufficient, adjustments can be made to the charges assessed for various items on the invoice.


It should be a common practice to evaluate the job costing summary before a workorder is closed, and the customer pays the bill.  By doing so, effective shop managers can be sure that each job has sufficient profit to ensure the viability of the company.

The job costing totals are summarized on the following screen, and are updated whenever values are added, or modified, in parts and labor.  These figures can be very helpful in identifying losses before providing the final invoice the client.  The View Graph option will let you see a visual picture of your profits.

