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EGLSGP Glossary group code system
SYSTEM C 2 System code GROUP C 2 Group code SERVICE C 30 Service heading
EGLSKT Glossary kit master file
KITCOD C 15 Glossary kit calling code KITYER C 4 Model year of service unit KITMAK C 10 Make of service unit KITMOD C 15 Model of service unit KITCHG N 8,2 Kit charge KITTIT C 50 Kit title / description KITPA1-6 C 15 Parts pick list codes 1 - 6 KITLA1-6 C 15 Labor glossary codes 1 - 6
EGLSLA Glossary labor descriptions
GLSCOD C 15 Glossary code GLSDES C 60 Glossary description summary GLSTME N 8,2 Units for this service GLSTXF L 1 Tax flag GLSEST N 8,2 Estimate amount GLSSUB L 1 Glossary entry flag GLSCHG N 8,2 Charge for this service GLSLW1 N 8,2 Wholesale Labor, level 1 GLSLW2 N 8,2 Wholesale Labor, level 2 GLSLW3 N 8,2 Wholesale Labor, level 3 GLSLW4 N 8,2 Wholesale Labor, level 4 GLSLNK C 15 Link code GLSTXT M 10 Text field
EGLSPA Glossary parts picklist - individual items
PCKCOD C 15 Pick list code PCKNUM C 20 Part number PCKDES C 30 Part description PCKQUN N 8,2 Part quantity
EGLSSM Labor glossary look up system codes
SYST C 2 System code DESC C 40 Description of system
ELACHT Glossary Chart
GLSCOD C 15 Glossary Code GLSYER C 4 Vehicle Year GLSMAK C 10 Vehicle make GLSMOD C 10 Vehicle Model GLSHTI N 6,2 Max. Service Time GLSLTI N 6,2 Min. Service Time GLSTTI N 12,2 Total Service Time GLSATI N 8,2 Average Time GLSUTI N 8,2 Average Time GLSHCH N 8,2 Max. Service Charge GLSLCH N 8,2 Min. Service Charge GLSTCH N 12,2 Total Service Charge GLSACH N 8,2 Average Charge GLSUCH N 8,2 Average Charge GLSCNT N 6,2 Total Service Count
EPCKTI Glossary Pick list titles
PCKTIT C 30 Pick list title PCKYER C 4 Unit year PCKMAK C 10 Unit make PCKMOD C 15 Unit model PCKCOD C 15 Pick list code