General Employee Information

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Employee Data

Because employees are all compensated on a wide range of factors,  which are applied individually, and they have a variety of deduction  possibilities, they must all be setup on their own records.  The  Employee Data Editor is used to set the employee's

name, address,  deductions, and payment methods.  It also tracks earning totals.


The EDE has a browse box in the lower part of the window to display the list of employees.  Five folders on the top of the window display employee information, witholding criterion, payroll totals, pay calculation methods, and individual notes.


Adding an employee

Use theAdd  button to enter a new employee.  Do not overwrite another employee's information if they are no longer employed at your company.  Always start a new record to prevent data contamination.


Deleting an employee

You can use the Delete  button to remove an employee.  However, it is very important that this not occur during a year in which the employee has worked for the company since the individual's data will be necessary for system reports and various calculations.


Basic Data

The basic information on an employee includes the name, address and phone number.  Each individual is assigned an employee code which is a quick means to  reference the individual on workorders, and for special reports.  In addition, it serves to tie all of the  records together regarding the employee's compensation and  deductions.    Although you may use any characters for the code, it will help when reviewing invoices to use initials or a first name because you will readily recognize the proper technician who performed the work.

