Selecting The Working Files

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The File List

When you first begin dbReview, you will see a list of files upon which you may wish to work.  This list contains the file name, a brief description, and the location ( path ) of the file.


You can browse this list using the up and down arrow keys, the page up and page down keys, or the mouse cursor can be used to manipulate the portion bar on the right side of the listing.


Selecting the file open mode

Before opening the file, you need to select your working mode.  This is done by clicking on the power switch icon on the lower right side of your screen.

Use real files:  Select this mode to use the actual file.  Use this only for situations in which you must make a change to the actual data entered by the EMS programs.

Use file copies: Select this mode to have the system create a copy of the actual file on which you will perform your work.  Use this mode for experimenting, reports, and data editing that will not be saved.


Selecting the file

You can select the file you wish to edit in two ways.  First, you can highlight the file, and then click on the "Select Individual File to Work With" button.  The second option is to point at the file on the list and double click the left mouse button.  Either method will open the file and present a browse listing.


The Main Database Data File

The Main Database contains the information necessary to identify the files that may be edited using the dbReview Editor.  The editor is provided with a list of files, and their descriptions.


Changes to this file may be handled with the Modify the Main Database Data File control, by pointing at the button and clicking on it.  The system will then load all of the records into a quick edit form.  The file name, description, path, and notes fields are displayed, along with a series of controls.  Each icon is identified by pointing the cursor at it, and then a tool tip displays.


First record:  Move to the first record on the list

Previous record: Move to the previous record on the list

Next record: Move to the next record on the list

Last record: Move to the last record on the list

Append record:  Add a new record

Edit record:  Edit the current record

Delete record:  Delete the current record


Rebuild the Main Database Data File is an option that you should not use unless there has been a significant change in the data file list.  In this case, the system will build a new list of all data files in the directory.  However, this list would not include descriptions, and those would need to be added by the user.  You can perform this operation by clicking on the button.


The File Structure

The File Structure option will display a listing of fields in the highlighted file.  The structure displays the field  name, type, and size.  The information is structured as:


FLDNAME: This is the name of the field as defined in the program.

FLDTYPE: Fields may be Character, Numeric, Logical, Date, or Memo types.  All information is classified in one of these types and handled accordingly.  Character fields can contain letters, numbers, and some symbols.  Numeric fields contain only numbers which can be used in calculations.  Logical fields are either true, or false.  Date fields must contain a valid date, and can be used to calculate the number of days between dates.  Memo fields contain text, and may vary in length.

FLDLEN: This is the full length of the data field in characters

FLDDEC: This is the number of digits to the right of the decimal on a Numeric data field