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Once the file is opened, a new window displays the records of the file on a grid ( browse ), and offers the following options. Simply point to the appropriate button, and press the left mouse button, to begin the operation.
File Editing The following options provide for editing the data in the selected file
Edit Marked Record This option will open an edit window that displays the data for the highlighted record, and permits changing of any values displayed.
Import External Data This option will allow the user to import data from another file into the one that is highlighted.
Export Data To A File This option will allow the user to export data to an external file.
Filter Data Above This option will display only files that meet a specific criterion
Search / Replace Fields This allows the user to replace one field value with another, as specified by the user. This is a global utility that allows the information to be replaced throughout the database with a single input.
Print Data Above This is the option to print out a report with the data that has been selected.
Delete Marked Records Above This option will delete one, or more, records that have been marked.
Add New Records Above This option is used to add a new record to the file
Save Changes To Another File If you have modified the file data and/or structure, you can save the current view to a new file.
File Structure Editing The following options will modify the structure of the data files. It is imperative that this not be used on real files unless specifically directed by a MasterLink Software technician.
Add New Fields To The List This option adds new fields to the current file structure
Modify Data File Field Names This option permits the changing of field names for the current file structure.
Modify Data File Field Lengths This option permits the changing of field lengths for the current file structure.
Remove The Marked Fields This option permits the removal of fields from the list.
Sort Choices Your primary program has created index files which will sort the data based on one of the fields. These are displayed in the box, and will only be the options for the file you are using. Simply select the index you wish to apply to the file, and the list will be automatically reordered.