Accounts Receivable files |
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AARMST Accounts Receivable Client File
ACRNUM C 6 Client account number CLIFST C 10 Client first name CLILST C 15 Client last name CLICOM C 25 Client company name CLIADD C 25 Client address CLICTY C 15 Client city CLISTE C 2 Client state code CLIZIP C 10 Client zipcode CLIPHO C 14 Client phone CLIBUS C 20 Client business phone ACRTRM N 3 Terms - net days ACRPST D 8 Date of last posting ACRBAL N 10,2 Account Balance ACRCHG N 10,2 Total charges last processing ACRCRD N 10,2 Credit limit ACRPAY N 10,2 Total payments last processing ACRNBL N 10,2 Balance at last processing ACRLPY D 8 Date of last payment ACRFLG C 1 Processing flag ACRCYC C 1 Payment cycle ACRYTD N 10,2 Total transactions year to date CURENT N 10,2 Curent amounts owing PDUE30 N 10,2 Past due balance 30-59 days PDUE60 N 10,2 Past due balance 60-89 days PDUE90 N 10,2 Past due balance 90+ days ACRPTI N 4 Time of last processing ACRNOT M 10 Notes
AARTRN / AARTHS Accounts Receivable Transaction File
ACRNUM C 6 Client account number ACRPDT D 8 Transaction date ACRINV C 25 Invoice number ACRCHG N 8,2 Amount of charge ACRPAY N 8,2 Amount of payment GENPST C 1 Posting flag GENDBT C 6 Ledger account - debit GENCRD C 6 Ledger account - credit COMPLE C 1 Activity completed Y/N ACRBAL N 8,2 Current balance due on this item CLSBAL N 8,2 Balance at last closing ACRPTI N 4 Time of last closing