Overview - Editing Files

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The File Editor found in the ASW 9 client ( workstation ) program is newer then the one found in Datamanager.  It has the following advantages, although the other one remains for continued use by those who are comfortable with it.


All new programming using the latest libraries and methods available in ASW 9.

Easier to find and replace data

Provides an ability to select only data meeting criterion and to display only desired columns

Outputs current display to a printed report or an Excel spreadsheet

Strong Find and Replace Utility

Allows easy selection of system indexes

Ability to import and export files

Ability to modify the structure of a file

Ability to create new files

Ability to work on files from your workstation

Ability to work on files while others continue to use them, and the ASW program.


The editor is a very powerful tool.  However, using it contains risks if you don't understand exactly what you are doing.  You must remember that the files are interrelated and changing a value in one record could cause it to lose a valuable link to other data.  The structures of the data files are provided in this manual, ( System File Structures book ), but new changes may not include some critical field additions or modifications.  When in doubt, email MasterLink Software for specific guidance on your specific needs, and how to do it. DO NOT ASSUME you can figure it out.  The results may be catastrophic.


Always make a backup before performing any file editing.