Import Data From EMS 2000

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Selecting the EMS 2000 option of the Import menu will start the system import routine.  The system will import data from an existing version of The Executive Management System 2000.


Before starting, make sure you have built new ASW 9 data files.  If the files are not empty, it will place the data in addition to the existing data.  Running this routine multiple times without first rebuilding the files to an "empty" status will result in multiple copies of each record.


It is recommended that the EMS 2000 directory be located on the same server being used for ASW 9.  Transferring data across the network is usually reliable, but if you have any problems with the connection you will corrupt data.


When you confirm that you want to do the import, a browse screen will pop up.  You must locate and select ( double click so the folder appears open ) the EMS2000 directory where the data currently resides.


The most common problems with updating are:


Bad data exists in the files.  Use dSalvage to fix the files before importing the data

If you receive an error 2, File Not Found, you did not select the correct directory during the browse function


EMS 2000 importing involves restructuring of the data files.  You will not affect your EMES 2000 files, but instead will make a copy of the data on new files in ASW 8's folder.


dSalvage is a product of Comtech Publishing.  It must be purchased directly from them.  MasterLink Software is not affiliated with Comtech Publishing, but has found this product to be vital for many years.


dSalvage may be availasble from Hallogram Publishing at 1-866-972-4888