Finish Workorders

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Once a workorder has been completed, it must be closed so that the data can be sent to the appropriate accounting and history data files.  Although this task is only a "keystroke" away, it is important that you perform the following tasks prior to closing the workorder.


Review the printed workorder to be sure all parts and labor items are included.

Be sure that any special notes and recommendations have been added to the proper entry screens.

Double check the totals, and the payment posting to be sure it is correct


When these tasks are completed, then on the Workorder Browse listing, highlight the workorder, and select the Close WO button.  At this point, the computer will then total all of the information and process it to the appropriate files.  The workorder is now CLOSED and can be viewed, but not edited.


There is no time requirement for closing workorders, although it makes sense to perform this task immediately after the work is completed.  On network installations, the closing of a workorder may take place while other users are working in the program.  In addition, workorders may be closed individually throughout the day without any problems.


The workorder closing does not include processing of inventory, payroll, or receipt of deposits.  These tasks occur at the time the item is entered on the workorder, and is posted to the proper files immediately.  This feature permits live updating of all files.