Before You Begin

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Before you start using the dbReview File Editor, there are some very important facts that you need to know.  Please read this page carefully so that you avoid costly mistakes.



Before using this utility, make sure you have performed a backup of all files in the \ASW8s directory.


Proceed at your own risk

This is your work.  There is no guarantee, warranty, or service available when making these changes.  You are totally responsible for what you enter, and how you enter it in the databases.


Know exactly what you are doing before you begin

Even though this file editor is rather intuitive, it is imperative that you read the instructions and know exactly what you intend to do, and the result you expect.  Experimenting may cause significant problems.  If you make errors, the only recourse may be to revert to a file from a previous backup.


Use a copy of the file whenever possible

The dbReview system has two file modes.  When you need to make corrections to a piece of data, you will be in Use Real Files mode.  However, when changing data on an experimental basis, you will be in Use File Copies mode.  The switch on the main file selection screen governs the mode in which you are operating.


Your changes are permanent

When you make changes in the main database, those cannot be undone, except by manually changing the values back to their previous value.  Keep this in mind.  If you need to experiment with another value, simply work with the file in the Use File Copies mode.


Never modify the main database

You never want to modify the structure of the main database.  It is used by the program in its exact format.  Also, never let a "consultant" modify the files.  If you wish to work with a modified database there are two possibilities.  First, if you want to import data into another program, use the copy file option to create a working file of another name.  If you wish to just modify some of the data in this file, and have no intention of using it with another program, then before selecting the file, place the system in the Use File Copies mode.


When in doubt, consult

If you are not absolutely sure of what to do in any given situation, send an immediate email to  Include your description of what you have done, what you need to do, and your specific question.  An answer will be sent to you providing the specific information you need.